The collaboration between European Technological Facilities and Industry has been seminal for the realization of unprecedented scientific endeavors, like the LHC, EU-XFEL, ESS and ITER, that have recently projected Europe to an undisputed position of worldwide leadership. The AMICI H2020 project is charged by the European Commission with the challenging task of building the conditions for consolidating and exploiting such collaboration to strengthen the capabilities of European companies to compete on the global market, not only as qualified suppliers of components for accelerators and big superconductor magnets, but also in the development of innovative applications in advanced sectors such as healthcare and space.

More details in ABOUT section.
Technology Infrastructure
Learn more about AMICI Technology Infrastructures
12 30 October 2023
The roadmap for the strategic evolution and development of the European accelerator and magnet Technology Infrastructure (TI) is now published on the I.FAST webpage
An extensive inventory of available accelerator and magnet Technical Platforms (TPs) within various Technological Facilities (TFs) has been compiled and is now accessible through the AMICI (Accelerator and Magnet Infrastructure for Cooperation and Innovation) website. This inventory details the characteristics and functionalities of these TPs, providing valuable information for researchers and industry professionals. Additionally, a comprehensive analysis of the global landscape of future accelerator and magnet-based Research Infrastructures (RIs) has been conducted. This analysis highlights the Key Technological Areas essential for the construction of future RIs, serving as a roadmap for advancing research in accelerator and superconducting magnet technologies across multiple disciplines.This strategic document aims to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of research efforts in these fields, fostering innovation and collaboration on an international scale.
11 15 December 2022
How can particle accelerators address environmental issues? A 10-day challenge for multidisciplinary teams of young people!
Students from all background are invited to take part in an EU-funded challenge to imagine new solutions to address environmental issues by using particle accelerators. For 10 days, students with different academic backgrounds will join teams of six to imagine innovative solutions on how can particle accelerators be used to tackle environmental challenges. On the 10th day, they will present their work to a jury of experts at CERN. To help in this task, students will be offered high-level seminars on particle accelerators, on environmental challenges and on innovation as well as a stimulating environment to discuss these issues. This initiative is put forward by the I.FAST project, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. It stems from the historic collaboration between the ESI, CERN and others partners to run the Joint Universities Accelerator School.
10 19 Juillet 2022
The EU-supported project I.FAST announces the possibility to apply for a grant to finance a programme of exchange of knowledge, expertise, and working practices of new accelerator and magnet component technologies between an I.FAST European Accelerator Development Laboratory (here called the I.FAST Laboratory) and a European Industrial Company (here called the Company).
The programme offers the opportunity for a Company to send an engineer or technician for one or several visits to one of the I.FAST Laboratories and for a I.FAST Laboratory to send a scientist, engineer or technician to a Company for one or several visits. A grant of up to 7000 € can be requested for financing such a technical exchange programme which should put emphasis on transfer between the two parties of knowledge, expertise, and working practices of design, fabrication and testing of new advanced technological components for frontline accelerator and magnet research and/or technology infrastructures.
9 07 June 2022
I FAST launches new fund to support innovation in accelerator technologies
The fund aims to stimulate innovation in accelerator technologies by supporting projects with a contribution of up to 200 kEUR.
8 14 December 2021
How can particle accelerators address environmental issues? A 10-day challenge for multidisciplinary teams of young people!
In summer 2022, the EU-funded I.FAST project will challenge students to find new and innovative societal applications for accelerators.
7 02 November 2021
I.FAST announces Traineeship Programme at European Accelerator Development Laboratories
The EU-supported project I.FAST announced a traineeship programme to support knowledge transfer of new component technologies between laboratories and industry . The programme offers the opportunity for an early-career engineer or technician working at a European industrial company to work as trainee at one of the I.FAST European Accelerator Development Laboratories (https://ifast-project.eu/participants) for a duration of 2 weeks to 3 months. The traineeship should put emphasis on knowledge transfer in the development, design and testing of new advanced technological components for frontline accelerator and magnet research infrastructures.
6 23 October 2019
Status of a European Standard for the protection of helium cryostats against excessive pressure
5 9 October 2019
PhD and internship opportunities for students in physics
Construction of particle accelerators and superconducting magnets for research: a domain of European excellence. PhD and internship opportunities for students in physics.
4 28 August 2019
CEA delivers essential accelerator component to ESS
A key accelerator component has been delivered to ESS as part of France's in-kind contribution. The Radio Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ) is the first accelerating structure in ESS's linear accelerator and has been designed, developed and manufactured by BrightnESS² partner CEA at its research institute IRFU. Read more.
3 19 March 2018
The AMICI working group on innovation is conducting an industry survey
This survey is open to companies in the accelerator and magnet field. Your participation will be highly valuable:◦ Your answers will help us analyse good practices and barriers to effective engagement of the European Technological Facilities in collaborating with industry for the development of commercial products and services that may benefit the society at large. ◦ Your input will be used to define a new sustainable collaboration model and may serve as a basis for collaborative programmes to be supported by the European Commission. ◦ You will receive a report detailing the outcomes of the survey. How to participate
2 20 September 2017
First users at European XFEL
The world largest superconducting linac was built at different sites across 9 countries throughout Europe and beyond. This dispersed manufacturing network included many AMICI partners’ large-scale accelerator Technological Facilities (TF), as detailed.
1 25 July 2017
The inauguration of a new working group in the European Committee for standardization (cen) took place at the DIN secretariat in BERLIN on July 25, 2017. Within the technical committee CEN/TC 268, the new working group CEN/TC 268/WG 6 is focused on Specific helium technology applications. The working group held the kick-off meeting for working out a European Standard on Helium cryostats – protection against excessive pressure. This activity is linked to the AMICI work package 5.3: Harmonisation – Cryogenic safety procedures. The meeting was attended by 15 experts from 5 countries. The next meeting is scheduled for October 19, 2017.
3rd I.FAST Annual Meeting
The 3rd I.FAST Annual Meeting will take place in Paris, France (FR) from 16th to 19th April 2024.
AMICI-I.FAST WP13 Workshop on facilities for beam test of accelerator components
The AMICI-I.FAST WP13 Workshop on facilities for beam test of accelerator components will take place in Krakow, Poland october, 12 2023.
AMICI-I.FAST WP13 Platforms for characterisation, treatments and test of materials Workshop
The AMICI-I.FAST WP13 Workshop on Platforms for characterisation, treatments and test of materials will take place in Orsay, France (FR) from 22nd to 23rd June 2023.
AMICI-I.FAST WP13 superconducting magnet Workshop
The AMICI-I.FAST WP13 superconducting magnets Workshop will take place in Lasa, Milan, Italy from 17th to 18th November 2022.
AMICI ETIAM Workshop on Vertical SRF Cavity Testing
The AMICI ETIAM Workshop on Vertical SRF Cavity Testing will take place in DESY from 14th to 15th September 2022.