Research Infrastructure - A Research Infrastructure is a facility aimed at conducting top-level research activities in a given scientific field. AMICI deals with Research Infrastructures built from accelerators or superconducting magnets.
- the LHC at CERN in the field of particle physics,
- the Eu-XFEL in Hamburg (Germany), in the fields of light source sciences,
- SPIRAL2 in GANIL, Caen (France), in the field of nuclear physics,
- the ESS, under construction in Lund (Sweden), in the field of neutron source sciences.
Technology Infrastructure - A Technology Infrastructure is a network of Technological Facilities that are used for the construction of Research Infrastructures.
Example: the European accelerator and magnet Technology Infrastructure of the AMICI partners (including industry partners in the future) as shown in the figure below.
Technological Facility - A Technological Facility is a cluster of Technical Platforms that belong to an institute or a company, at well-defined geographical locations.
- the Technological Facility at CERN, including SM18, etc.,
- the Technological Facility at DESY, including AMTF, etc.,
- the Technological Facility at CEA – Saclay (called “Synergium”),
- the Technological Facility at INFN – Frascati.
Technical Platform - A Technical Platform is an installation which can be used to develop, fabricate, test and / or measure technological components of accelerators.
Examples: clean room, module assembly hall, magnet winding workshop, test cryostat, coupler RF test station.

Technology Infrastructure tree structure and terminology