CRYOMECHA – Pressurized superfluid helium cryostat
This platform benefits from a transnational access provided by the EURO-LABS – EUROpean Laboratories for Accelerator Based Science project.

Physical measurements in pressurized superfluid helium (dimensions of the sample: Φ ≤ 200 mm and h ≤ 200 mm, 1.6 K ≤ T ≤ 2.15 K).
- Double bath cryostat with Hampson exchanger and without nitrogen shield,
- The bath at T=4.2 K is supplied by dewar,
- Pumping group composed of a 300 m3/h vane pump, a 1000 m3/h Roots pump and a 2000 m3/h Roots pump,
- Automated cryostat control system (helium transfer, helium level, test bath at 1 mK and maximum power of 15 W),
- Multi-channel fast data acquisition system (333 kHz / number of channels).

Pressurized superfluid helium cryostat
CRYOMECHA – Measurement of the Thermal Conductivity of Insulators and Conductors (MECTIX)
This platform benefits from a transnational access provided by the EURO-LABS – EUROpean Laboratories for Accelerator Based Science project.

This station has a cryogenerator-cooled variable temperature measurement cell for carrying out thermal conductivity measurements on samples of around 10 cm in length in a temperature range from 4.2 K to 300 K.

Measuring cell at the MectiX test station
CEA – Saclay (France)
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