The MagNet Test Facility at CERN (SM18)


The MagNet test facility is based at CERN and offers testing on superconducting magnets and devices refrigerated at low temperatures and high currents. Test subjects can be cooled with LHe and/or LN2 to temperatures ranging from 1.9K up to 80K, and can be powered up to currents as high as 20 kA.

Technical means

  • An area regrouping three vertical cryostats with a capacity of up to 30kA at 1.9K; this area is typically used for research and development projects,
  • The second area regroups it horizontal benches which have a powering capacity of 20kA, and a secondary parallel powering circuit of up to 2kA. This area is used to test magnets of the Large Hadron Collider,
  • MagNet also includes a cryogen free cryostat, which allows users to test equipment at a range of different temperatures, from 300 and 4.2K.

SM18 SC magnets test facility


CERN - Geneva (Switzerland)


The ARIES TA programme offers a budget to cover the cost of the installation and transport of heavy equipment to the MagNet facility as well the travel expenses of users visiting the facility. CERN will cover the cost of the operation of the facility. MagNet staff will provide full support to users including data analysis and interpretation of results.
Users will be required to finance transport and installation of special equipment themselves and will be expected to follow CERN safety training and procedures.