Successful collaborations around the EU-XFEL Research Infrastructure: the point of view of the Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron DESY in Hamburg, Germany
The superconducting radiofrequency (SRF) technology used for the acceleration of electrons up to 17.5 GeV beam energy is driving the performance of the European XFEL to unprecedented operation parameters. Highest photon beam brilliance at very short wavelength is reached.

The world’s longest superconducting linear accelerator consists of more than 100 accelerator modules, each housing eight s.c. structures, also known as TESLA cavities. Development of the technology was done by the so-called TESLA Technology Collaboration. The Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron DESY in Hamburg, Germany, offered both intellectual contributions but also large infrastructure. As a consequence of the demanding and challenging needs of SRF technology, DESY owns and will continue to operate state-of-the-art clean rooms for accelerator module assembly, sophisticated surface treatment facilities for the preparation of TESLA cavities, and several setups for single cavity but also accelerator module testing.
In recent years DESY’s cooperation with industrial vendors in the field of SRF technology was further emphasized. The cavity producers Research Instruments and Ettore Zanon, both producing superconducting cavities for different research projects worldwide, are time and again customers in the existing Technical Platforms. The European XFEL project helped to qualify both companies in the complete procedures related to production and surface treatment for large series productions.
Cooperation started at a time when the companies were already prequalified through the very successful mechanical production of a large number of cavities, but knowledge transfer was still needed. This transfer included training of personnel which was partly done at DESY. Since then both companies are perfectly aware of the capabilities offered by the operated Technical Platforms. In consequence requests were made to share the use of DESY infrastructure. This holds especially for R&D projects, small series production, and testing of cavities which require tuning workshops, preparation rooms, cryogenic temperatures and dedicated radiofrequency sources, but also shielded test areas. Larger projects are the quality inspection of niobium sheets needed for cavity production, or the planned testing of series cavities.